In the “Official Gazette of the FBIH” number 96 of 13/12/2023, the Regulation on the payment of assistance by the employer was published.
Workers who are registered with the employer on the day when the payment is made are entitled to the payment.
The maximum amount to be paid is 2,520 KM, it is a non-taxable amount on which neither contributions nor taxes are calculated, as well as fees (special, water and contribution for the rehabilitation of the disabled).
The aforementioned aid can be paid in the period from December 14, 2023 to June 30, 2024.
The aid can be paid once or in 6 (six) parts exclusively to the employee’s transaction accounts and is not considered a salary or additional salary, but only as an aid due to the inflationary increase in prices.
Payment must be made to all workers, without exception, who are employed on the day of payment.
The employer issues a written decision on the basis of which the payment is made, defining the amount, date, number of installments and payment conditions.
We would like to emphasize that this is a voluntary payment by the employer, and that the aforementioned Regulation is not mandatory.