• Obavljeno 13/01/2023
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Decision on membership fees to the Foreign Trade Chamber of BiH for 2023

The “Official Gazette of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, No. 1/23 of 11.01. 2023, published the Decision on the membership fee to the Foreign Trade Chamber of BiH for 2023. The Decision shall enter into force on 01.01. 2023.

The text of the Decision is as follows.


I. General provisions

Article 1

This Decision prescribes the basis, rate, method of payment and other important issues related to the membership fee paid by members to the Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2023.

Article 2.

Membership in the Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter referred to as: the Chamber), pursuant to Article 3 of the Law on the Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina (“Official Gazette of BiH” No.: 30/01 and 72/13), is mandatory for all business entities registered in Bosnia and Herzegovina for conducting business abroad.

The activities of the Chamber, as an independent, non-governmental, non-political and non-profit association of business entities, are financed from the funds generated by the membership fee.

Article 3.

A business entity (hereinafter referred to as: member) is obliged to pay membership fees to the Chamber based on:

a) realized imports or

b) gross salary of employees.

Article 4.

A member of the Chamber may be charged membership fees only on one of the bases from the previous article, and according to available data.

Article 5.

The maximum monthly membership fee determined for an individual member cannot exceed three average net salaries in BiH paid in 2022, according to official data from the BiH Agency for Statistics.

The minimum monthly membership fee is 25.00 KM.

II. Membership fee based on realized imports

Article 6.

For a member of the Chamber who had realized foreign trade turnover in 2022, the basis for calculating the annual membership fee is the total value of imported goods in BiH in 2022.

The membership fee rate from this article is 0.1%.

III. Membership fee based on gross salary

Article 7.

Banks, insurance companies, legal entities in the field of construction and legal entities in the field of transport, communications and services (road transport, railway transport, air transport, travel agency and tour operator activities, postal activities, telecommunications and other supporting activities, and other companies that generate income from services abroad), as well as other members of the Chamber for which membership fees are not calculated in accordance with Article 6 of this Decision, shall pay an annual membership fee calculated in relation to the gross salary.

Scientific research and educational institutions, associations of citizens whose registration includes economic activity, unions, interest associations, foundations, endowments and other organizations that perform activities of importance to the economy, as individual or collective members, who have acquired membership in the Chamber in accordance with Article 6, paragraphs 4 and 5 of the Statute of the Chamber, shall pay an annual membership fee calculated in relation to the gross salary.

The basis for calculating the membership fee under this article is the amount of gross salary stated in the final statement with the competent institution for 2022 (Financial and IT Agency of the Federation of BiH, Agency for Intermediary, IT and Financial Services of the Republika Srpska and the Brčko District).

The membership fee rate under this article is 0.2%.

IV. Minimum membership fee and reduction

Article 8.

A member of the Chamber that was founded in 2023 does not pay the membership fee for 2023.

A member of the Chamber whose membership fee has not been determined in accordance with Articles 6 and 7 of this decision pays the minimum monthly membership fee in the amount of 25.00 KM, or 75.00 KM quarterly.

Article 9.

A member of the Chamber who has achieved more than 50% of the total income for 2022 based on income on the foreign market (exports), the calculated membership fee debt is reduced by 20%.

The reduction of the membership fee is made based on the request of the Chamber member, accompanied by the income statement for 2022.

Article 10.

A Chamber member who performs a loan business, or imports for export, may have the calculated debt reduced upon his request, accompanied by the license for performing loan business in 2022, issued by the Indirect Taxation Administration of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and VAT returns for 2022 documenting the value of imports, as the basis for calculation.

V. Payment method

Article 11.

The total annual membership fee for 2023 is divided into four equal parts and paid quarterly.

A Chamber member pays the membership fee based on the notification of the basis and amount of the membership fee that the Chamber delivers to him separately for each quarter.

Payment of the membership fee on the basis prescribed by this decision is made to the Chamber’s accounts maintained with commercial banks.

VI. Final Provisions

Article 12.

The Secretary General of the Chamber is authorized to engage funds in order to obtain data for calculating membership fees from institutions that have official data, or from legal entities whose data has been verified by official institutions.

Article 13.

Upon the entry into force of this decision, the Decision on Membership Fees of the Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 01-1-01-1-1250-4/21 of 16.12.2021 shall cease to be valid (“Official Gazette of BiH”, No. 3/22; “Official Gazette of the Federation of BiH”. No. 5/22; “Official Gazette of the RS” No. 6/22; “Official Gazette of the Brčko District of BiH”. No. 3/22).

Article 14.

If the Chamber Assembly does not adopt a decision on membership fees for 2024 in 2023, this decision shall apply until a decision on membership fees for 2024 is adopted.

Article 15

This decision shall enter into force and shall be applied from 01.01.2023. and shall be published in the “Official Gazette of BiH”, “Official Gazette of the Federation of BiH”, “Official Gazette of RS”, “Official Gazette of Brčko District of BiH” and on the Chamber’s website.

Number 01-1-01-1-1160-10/22
December 16, 2022

President of the Assembly
Asmin Veladžić, s. r.


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