Every adult employee has the right to a paid vacation, for each calendar year, for a minimum of 20 working days, and a maximum of 30 working days. A minor employee has the right to an annual vacation of 24 working days. Annual vacation can last longer than 30 working days if it is regulated by a collective agreement, and according to the nature of the job and working conditions.
If it is the first employment or the employee has a break between two employment relationships of more than 15 days, the right to annual leave is acquired after six months of continuous work. If the injured worker does not have the right to annual leave in accordance with the above, he is entitled to at least one day of annual leave for each completed month of work.
Annual leave can be used in two parts, where the first part must be uninterrupted for at least 12 working days during the calendar year, and the second part no later than June 30 of the following year. If the employee does not use the annual leave, he does not have the right to transfer the annual leave to the following year. Also, the worker can use one day of annual leave when he wants to, with the obligation to notify the employer at least three days in advance.
The employer is obliged to deliver to the employee the Decision on annual leave in written form, which will state the duration of the annual leave and the period of its use, seven days before its use.
For any additional questions, you can contact us by email at info@respect.ba or directly by phone at 033/719-400.