• Obavljeno 04/10/2020
  • u kategoriji News

COVID-19 and DMS

This has also influenced the changes in the business world that we have to deal with. More and more companies have focused their businesses and employees on online processes. Therefore, accounting itself has required certain changes in order to adapt to the new way of doing business.

Online documentation flow, proper recording, posting and archiving of the same stand out as the basis of a company’s accounting system. Document Management System (DMS) is exactly that. In one place, you are able to see all your business processes in electronic form, from entering documents into DMS to archiving with accurate and timely reports that are necessary at the time of the pandemic.

The functioning of DMS as an integral part of the accounting system and managing documentation in digital form is an advantage of the accounting service that we provide to our partners.

If you are interested in more information, you can contact us at e-mail: info@respect.ba or at the phone number +387 33 719 400.

Your Respect Team


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